Olsuswa Energy Limited is a Kenyan company that has applied for a geothermal resource licence at Barrier Volcanic Complex located in Turkana Country just south of Lake Turkana. This is the northern most geothermal prospect in Kenya on the Kenyan Rift System.
Barrier Volcanic Complex is a beautiful central volcano with an older and a younger caldera known as Kakorinya. The rocks are phonolites, trachytes and basalts. The latest volcanic activity is about 200 years old. The geothermal manifestations are altered grounds, fumaroles and hot springs discharging on the lower grounds. Reconnaissance studies indicate that the subsurface temperatures is at least 280 degrees Centigrade. If surface studies and exploration drilling are successful, Olsuswa Energy plans to install 140MW. The transmission line from the power plant will be connected to yet to be constructed Loiyangalani -Suswa transmission line.
Olsuswa has now advertised the following tenders and expression of interest:
OEL/RFP/001/2015-16: Barrier Access roads survey and design
OEL/RFP/002/2015-2016: Detailed Geoscientific surface Study
OEL/RFP/003/2015-2016: Baseline and Roads construction Environmental Social Impact Assessment (EISA)
OEL/RFP/004/2015-2016: Provision of Consultancy services for Geothermal Exploration Activities
OEL/EOI/001/2015-2016: Barrier Access Road Construction
OEL/EOI/002/2015-2016: Provision of Camp Services
Details of these tenders and expression of interests can be sound and downloaded from Olsuswa Energy Ltd website www.olsuswaenergy.com. The closing date for both the RFP and EOI will be on 15th January, 2015.